‘Tis the season to be merry with our first ever product launch! – The Signature Sweets Gift Box –

We have been on such a high in the SAB office after successfully launching our first ever product, The Signature Sweets Gift Box! It has been such a rollercoaster ride, so many ups and downs, and so many times I was ready to pull my hair out and say f*&% it! But it was a vision I wanted to bring to life and something I have always aspired to do back when we launched the business under the DSI brand 10 years ago. I just wasn’t sure when, and I wasn’t sure how. But I was determined it was going to happen! And I want to share the crazy adventure with you!


Let’s take it back a year to December 2020. I wanted to offer my customers a cute and unique product they could buy as Christmas gifts for both individuals and businesses, so I came up with the idea to create Christmas themed Tubes to add existing products into. I invested in a Cricut maker, rolled up my sleeves and spent most of December locked up in the office (whilst everyone else was out getting drunk at Christmas parties and enjoying the silly season) making endless decals for the Tubes and putting order after order together.


The response I got from customers was so positive (I must say even I was impressed with how great they turned out!), it made all those sleepless nights and fights with the Cricut maker worth it! Business owners especially loved the Tubes because they were able to personalise them for customers and employees.


With such an overwhelming response, I thought there had to be something bigger and better we can do next year, and something that didn’t require me spending countless hours gluing decals to tubes. Perhaps it was time to finally create our very own SAB branded product? And from there the limited edition Signature Sweets Gift Box was born.


Was I mad to be creating a new product in the midst of a pandemic? Probably, it’s what most people said when I told them about my idea. But I was determined to create something exciting for my customers, and something inside me said just do it! I won’t say it was a smooth process, and I’m not sure what was worse; dealing with creating decals for tubes, or dealing with revising the box design a million times to the point that we almost missed the boat with printing and delivery!


Each of the 15 unique flavours included in the box have been carefully selected by me, based on knowing exactly what our customers already love and what they would like to try. We also included the option to personalise the insert in the box given it was such a hit with the tubes. The feedback we have received on the Signature Sweets Gift Box has been amazing, and we have been inundated with orders. Our customers love the concept, love the box design and most importantly can’t stop talking about the flavours. Success… we did it! And we did it during one of the world’s most turbulent times where we didn’t even know if we’d be celebrating Christmas this year.

As I wrap this up, I sit and reflect on the contentment the success of this product launch has given me and the entire SAB team. Running a small business is hard at times, but I personally love it and wouldn’t have it any other way. Nothing makes me happier than satisfied customers, and with all the amazing feedback we have received on these gift boxes, the long hours and stress have all been worth it. It has been the driving force and reminder for me to follow your dreams and to never give up. When you believe in what you are doing and you keep at it, you will succeed.


Now, enough sentimental words of wisdom (although I really hope you take them on board if you are in the middle of your own business venture)… I’m sure you want to know where you can buy this amazing product, if you haven’t already purchased it! Click the link here for product information including all the delicious flavours, and to place an order. Available for a limited time, so hurry before stock runs out!


And on a final note, SAB will be planning more new and exciting things for you, so stay tuned! To keep up to date follow us on Instagram @sugaredalmondboutique.


With Sweet Love
Rosi xx