Your Mother-in-Law Knows Best!

Hello I’m Rosi the Founder of SAB, I regularly get asked why I chose to open a business selling flavoured sugared almonds. Today I’m going to share my story because I’m sure there are a lot of you out there who can relate to my old perception of sugared almonds. I’m here to tell you SAB is here to change that!

I got married in Italy 14 years ago, and coming from an Italian background I knew it was a wedding tradition to give 5 sugared almonds with a bomboniere to thank your guests. My mother-in-law organised the sugared almonds and asked me numerous times to try them (by the way, the bomboniere pictured here was from my wedding, we gifted our guests a bottle opener along with 5 flavoured sugared almonds!). Aside from the fact I was watching my calorie intake, I knew what they were and didn’t think it was worth trying them, so I declined without thinking twice.  

After my wedding was over, my mother-in-law was STILL raving on about these sugared almonds and how fantastic they were. Eventually she convinced me to try them as I was curious to know what all the fuss was about. I will never forget when she said to me, “just try these sugared almonds, they are flavoured on the inside,” and reluctantly I took a bite. That was the bite that changed my life! Not only was the taste amazing, but they were the complete opposite to the hard, traditional sugared almonds I remembered. I was hooked and couldn’t stop at one! To cut a long story short, this is where SAB was born, and I have to say I have my mother-In-law to thank!

If you’re a bride-to-be and your future mother-in-law or mum hands you our flavoured sugared almonds to try, take it from first hand personal experience, not only will they leave you speechless, but you will definitely want these at your wedding (or any upcoming event really!). Check out the diagram below which explains why our flavoured sugared almonds are not like your traditional kind!

Sugared Almond Diagram

If you are a mother-in-law or mother of the bride helping with the bomboniere, our Sample Box (pictured below) is the perfect place to start! It has 15 delicious flavours and multiple sugared almonds of each flavour, so you can try and choose your favourites together!

Sample Box

Visit our website to check out our Sample Box and all the flavours inside.

We can’t wait to be part of the celebrations!

With sweet love
Rosi xx